The Miracle Of "Artificial Sun" In India.

The Miracle Of "Artificial Sun "in India.

Nuclear power seems to be a relief option in the matter of electricity, but in this too the problem of radioactive material released in the form of nuclear waste not decomposing for hundreds of years remains a cause of concern for our civilization. Yet there is no doubt that nuclear electricity has been considered to be cleaner and more sustainable than other alternatives to generate. In this too, a new method has shown great hope to the world, under which instead of the traditional fission of atoms, their fusion is trying to make electricity in different parts of the world. No waste is released in the process of fusion. This releases many times more energy than fission. A remarkable effort in this regard has been made in our neighboring country of China. Recently, in a related project there, by creating an artificial sun-like system, a temperature higher than the real sun was created.

The dream of nuclear fusion is about to come true:

China has done this experiment at its Experiments for an Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (East) plant located in Hefei province. It is a type of experimental nuclear reactor in which the nuclear fusion process can produce high temperatures. By calling it an artificial sun, it means that energy is being produced by the fusion of atoms in it, in the same way that energy is produced by the fusion of atoms on the sun. In this experiment carried out in the last week of December 2021, about 70 million degrees of plasma temperature was created in this reactor for 1056 seconds. Based on the success of this experiment, it can be said that human civilization is close to turning fusion energy into reality. This has opened the way to keep the whole earth illuminated for hundreds of years. Achieving a high temperature during use and maintaining it for a long time - both are extremely challenging tasks. It is noteworthy in this connection that in June last year, China has achieved plasma temperature of 160 million degrees Celsius for 20 seconds in the same plant and before that for 1012 seconds, 120 million degrees Celsius plasma temperature has been achieved, but the most recent achievement has been to achieve extremely high temperature for seventeen and a half minutes.

 Which has been recorded as a record. The tokamak reactor uses plasma, a mixture of deuterium and tritium, as fuel. Plasma as a charged material (also a type of nuclear waste in itself. Being a charged substance, it can be rotated rapidly with the help of electric magnets, but the problem is that this waste is about 15 million This can be achieved only at a temperature of two degrees Celsius. That is, to generate electricity, it is a big challenge in itself to generate this plasma first.

Amazing of Powerful Magnets:

With the help of plasma, there is a question of getting heat or energy like the sun, then this work is done with the help of superconducting electro-magnets (mighty magnets) located around inside the tokamak plant. These magnets become superconductors of energy when the temperature is raised. These magnets do the dual job of heating the plasma and then controlling it with the help of liquid nitrogen. These magnets keep the plasma away from the stationary wall of the reactor. The real challenge in this reactor is to start the process of fusion and then control it while maintaining it for a long time. Note that very high temperatures are needed for the process of fusion to begin. In the experiments so far, all these processes have been done in different - different steps. which day . 

Scientists will successfully complete all three processes by keeping them together at the same time, then the work of making electricity from nuclear fusion will start. Chinese scientists say that in the next five years, they will fusion with the help of tokamak. Will make reactor. However, it will take another ten years to take its full form. After that, by the year 2040, they will start generating electricity in the desired amount with its help. China has certainly achieved an edge in terms of fusion reactors, but it is not the only country to achieve this feat.

ITER was ready to compete:

Although plans to generate electricity from nuclear fusion technology are believed to have originated from the US, the concept of the Tokamak reactor was formulated in 1951 by Soviet scientists Andrei Sakharov and Igor Tam together. The dream of Russian and American scientists was to create a safe fusion technology-powered nuclear reactor that would produce no nuclear waste. The world felt that perhaps this work is not under the control of any single country.

So in 2006, mainly six countries - Russia, Japan, America, China, South Korea, European Union and India - started work on the world's largest fusion research project called International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). In the year 2013, the construction work of ITER started in France, in which India is contributing nine to 10 percent of the cost (about Rs 17,500 crore). Indian scientists and engineers are also building many important instruments related to this project. It is estimated that the ITER reactor will be ready in 2025 and will start getting electricity from the year 2040. However, those watching China's progress in this direction can say that if China can do this miracle on its own, then why did India not do it, while our country with talents like CV Raman, Meghnad Saha, Satyendranath Bose, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, nuclear energy It has never been so backward in terms of

However, as far as the matter of generating electricity from nuclear is concerned, we are all well acquainted with nuclear reactor. Power from Tarapur, Rawatbhata, Kudankulam , Kaiga, Kakrapar, Kalpakkam and Narora nuclear power stations in our country are contributing significantly to our energy needs. But the basis of its creation is the technology of detonation of the atom bomb with which the US carried out Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the safe disposal of radioactive waste from which is a headache for the world. Nuclear fusion is being viewed with new hope as compared to nuclear fission, because once it opens the way to generate electricity while controlling it, many problems can be solved in one stroke. This will not only provide very cheap electricity, but this arrangement like artificial sun on the earth itself will eliminate the mess of nuclear waste and its deadly pollution. Keep in mind that in the process of nuclear fusion, the nuclei of two or more atoms collide with each other to form a heavy nucleus. The process of nuclear fusion is the opposite of nuclear fission, in which heavier elements break down and become lighter. Although a huge amount of energy is produced in both processes, but compared to fission, fusion is estimated to provide unlimited energy. Obviously, once this method is successful on earth, then human civilization will bring such a sun on the ground for itself, from which electricity can be found in the desired amount.

Why Aditya of India got extinguished!

The tokamak reactor in which nuclear fusion experiments are going on in China, similar experiments have been done in India in the last decade of the last century. It is claimed that India had experimented with maintaining a plasma temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius for 0.4 seconds under the Aditya project in 1989. It is also said that in the year 2016, there was talk of renewal of this project, but during that time, in response to a question asked in the Lok Sabha, the government had said that India is now participating in the ongoing International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project in France. Has been doing. Government of India for A budget of crores of rupees has been fixed.

The surprising thing here is that when Indian scientists have made many remarkable achievements in the field of nuclear energy. Along with this, we are moving towards achieving self-reliance in other areas of science such as space, computers and missiles, then why not try to move forward in this direction instead of participating in the ongoing project ITER in France. ? When China could prove its ability to overtake ITER on its own strength, then India could have proved to be even better in this matter.

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