Time Travelling One Billion Years Into The Future?

Time Travelling One Billion Years Into The Future?

If you go forward 10000 years in the future

So what would the Earth look like? most of its surface Will it be surrounded by volcanoes? Or will it have frozen over to snow? what if you go further than this Up to 10 million years in the future?

Will all the seas have dried up? Or would the whole world be submerged in one big sea? Now what about 1,000,000, 000 years in the future?

Will any human be left? Or would everyone be living in other parts of the Galaxy?

It has to be accepted that it is very unlikely that when you arrive a billion years in the future, someone will be present to welcome you. There are many threats to the existence of the human species and if we want to survive for a billion years, then we have to face these threats. We have seen how difficult it is for us to survive in the face of a global pandemic. So how likely are we that we will be affected by climate change,

Will rising populations, global nuclear war, dangerous asteroids and comets be able to cope with the dangers of a naturally impending cold age and the sun's warming?Find out by looking into the future.

Within only 10000 years from today we will reach a big problem called Decca Millennium Bug. In 10,000 AD, the software to encode the Christian calendar

Will not be able to encode dates of more than 4 decimals. Remember l2j? Yes, this problem is exactly the same. Provided, hopefully, we won't panic this time.

The good thing about this is that in 10,000 years, the genetic differences and traits between humans will not remain on the basis of region. Characteristics like skin and hair color will be found equally all over the world.

Maybe it will, after all, help us all live in harmony.

20000 years ahead in the future?

None of the existing languages ​​will be recognized. Languages ​​of the future will contain only 1% of the root words of today's languages.

50000 years from today?

A new glacial period i.e. cold period will begin for the Earth, which will mark the beginning of a new ice age. Niagara Falls will completely merge into Lake Erie. And the interesting thing is that even a whole day of the earth is like this.

By the time one second will start to get longer. How much time will there be for no things?

in 2,50000 years

Lo-Ihi Volcano will rise above water level to form a new island in Hawaii.

in 500000 years

It is possible that an asteroid more than 1 kilometer (0.62 mi) in diameter may hit Earth if we do not stop it. crater

Less than 400 kilometers (248 mi) will not be larger. Due to this the fire will spread all over the planet and the air will not be breathable. So, there is something you can look forward to.

And if that's not enough

So in 10 Lac years

Another super volcano, a large volcano, will erupt so large that it will emit as much ash as 3,200 cubic kilometers (720 cu mi).

This would release enough lava to fill 75 percent of the Grand Canyon. It will be like the Toba volcanic eruption that took place 70,000 years ago, which wiped out almost all of humanity.

Oh, and the nearby Beetlejuice star may have exploded into a supernova, after which it would still be visible from Earth during daytime.

By 20 million AD, humans would have started living in the entire solar system.

This also means that if the populations of all the planets remain separate from each other, then humans will evolve into such species.

Which has been adapted to the world where they are living.

in 1 million years

East Africa will break away and form a new oceanic basin. Africa with Eurasia in 50 million years

will collide, which will close the Mediterranean Sea and a new mountain range will form between these two pieces of land. Mount Everest in this mountain range

May include a mountain high. In space, Mars will collide with its own moon, causing it to form rings similar to those of Saturn.

in 6 million years

Canada and America's Rocky Mountains would be completely over.In 80 million years, all of the Hawaiian islands would have gone below the water level.

in 10  million years

Such an asteroid will hit the Earth, which will be like the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs 60 million years ago. The one that was 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) wide in size.

In 25 million years, 

all the continents of the Earth will join together to become like Pangea. Yes, just this time it will be called Pangea Ultima. But don't be too attached

Because in 40-50 million years Pangea Ultima will be different again. A gamma-ray burst will occur within a distance of 6,500 light years from Earth. If it hits the Earth, the ozone layer can be damaged.

And a mass extinction could happen.

in 60 million years

The Moon will be so far away from Earth that a total solar eclipse will no longer be possible. And, with the increasing luminosity of the sun, the temperature on Earth would have increased so much that it would cause the tectonic plates to rise.

That action will also stop.

in 80 million years

Carbon dioxide levels will drop sharply and trees will no longer be able to process food through sunlight. Oxygen and ozone will disappear from the atmosphere and the complexes present on Earth

Life will end.

in 1 billion years

The luminosity of the Sun will have increased by 10% and the average temperature of the Earth will be 47 °C (117 °F). Our atmosphere would feel like a blue greenhouse. and our seas must have dried up

After which only a small amount of water will be left at the poles. When you come here on your time machine, be mentally prepared for an earth that does not match the earth you have seen in the slightest.

The human species will end from here, hopefully to live a better life in a distant planet. Due to high heat, and lack of breathable air, the earth will no longer be a habitable place. so you probably have more

Shouldn't stay for long. Rather, you should go to see the rest of the solar system.

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