How 5G Will Change The Technology world ?

 How 5G Will Change The Technology World ?

Status of preparation for 5G in the country

• If we talk about the device, then many phone makers in India have already launched 5G smartphones. One can expect better smartphone and device launches this year, which will cater to the needs of the users in the price segment. 
How 5G and edge computing can enhance virtual reality?
 How 5G Will Change The Technology world-

According to the Ericsson Mobility Report, there are estimated to be 4.4 billion 5G subscriptions globally by the end of 2027. If we talk about India, then by the end of 2027, about 39 percent 5G mobile subscription is expected to be around 500 million. In addition, the average traffic per smartphone in India is projected to grow to around 50Gb per month by 2027. 5G rates will also be competitive, but the amount of data that consumers can use will also be much higher.

The wait for 5G in India is about to end now. According to the Department of Telecommunications, 13 major cities of India will start getting 5G service this year. After its arrival, not only will the user experience change, but it will also have an impact on different areas. Let's know what will change for the new generation from this internet revolution.

At present, 5G services are present in about 60 countries of the world. Its launch was awaited in India for a long time. This year 5G is going to start in our country as well. If we talk about its speed, then based on the results tested so far, it can be said that its speed will be about 10 times higher than 4G. Not only this, it is expected to be completely different from the technology we have today. This will also bring a big change in the way we use the Internet. 

The development of 5G technology will see major changes in many sectors including agriculture, automotive, manufacturing, healthcare, energy, urban planning, media and entertainment etc. If seen, 4G has already changed the way of connectivity and communication. But with the entry of the fifth era of the Internet, a lot more can be seen beyond the expectations.

You will get super fast internet speed internet:

Has been a part of our lives since the early 1980s. It has changed the dimensions of connectivity. Now with the advent of 5G, users can expect a lot from the world of technology. 5G is primarily focused on three things - higher data speeds, reducing data access delays and increasing the homogeneity of data access. With this, users will be able to enjoy speeds of up to 1 Gbps. This means that users will be able to download movies and games in a matter of seconds. For the past several years, companies have been trialing 5G. Now 5G is ready to create new avenues of growth in the digital economy. It is opening new avenues for development on Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other business models. With the internet speed of 5G, entrepreneurs and small businessmen sitting in remote areas will be able to work in real time without any delay. It will provide better opportunities for employment.

How 5G and edge computing can enhance virtual reality?

According to research firm IDC, about 75 percent of the 55.7 billion connected devices worldwide will be connected to the IoT platform by 2025. Will Change the Thrill of Streaming: 5G will also change the experience of sports in the form of living. Because of this, a stadium-like adventure can be experienced in the living room. This will deliver 8K quality streaming on the screen, which will transform the TV viewing experience. Not only this, one can choose his/her camera angle or display multiple angles simultaneously while watching the match to enhance the live match experience. All this will be possible because 5G can deliver huge amounts of data with ultra-high speed. In addition, through 5G networks, mobile devices will get better quality videos with much faster speeds and more reliable connections. This will make the content streaming experience exciting for the users.

New innovations will emerge:

After the arrival of 5G technology, many innovations that will change lives will also be seen. With the advent of new technology, creating a digital ecosystem will become very easy. With this, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, laptops, smart TVs, home appliances, etc. can be easily connected. It will become easier to play cloud based games with lag-free streaming in the virtual world. With the reach of 5G far away, facilities like education, health, employment etc. will increase.

Take a look at the key changes:

• 5G will change remote education to a great extent. At present it is difficult to get uniform teaching quality across India. This is still a big problem especially for rural areas. With 5G, high quality interactive virtual class rooms and content can be streamed from anywhere across the country. This will help bridge the gap between rural and urban India.

• Due to 5G, reliable health services can be made accessible even to remote areas. Services like remote diagnostics and tele-consultation will become better. Due to this, patients will be able to communicate with doctors more quickly and also use telehealth services. Connected devices, IoT, artificial intelligence will help give a new dimension to healthcare in the country.

• Smart agriculture has also started in the country. Digitization of agriculture and technology like AI and IoT enabled by 5G can help in improving productivity. Smart sensors will tell farmers what needs to be done to keep the crops healthy.

How 5G is dangerous for Aircrafts & passenger's life?

Washington: A new controversy has erupted in the US regarding 5G telecom services. Various airlines say that due to the introduction of 5G service, flights there may be affected. In such a situation, it is natural to raise the question that after all what problems can be caused to the planes due to 5G service?
How 5G is dangerous for Aircrafts & passenger's life?

The answer lies in a device made for aircraft in the third decade of the last century. Aircraft have a device called a radio altimeter. This device, made about 100 years ago, remains the cause of dispute between telecom and airlines today. Actually, with the help of an altimeter, the pilot gets to know the height of the plane from the ground and the distance from other objects. The reading from the altimeter is automatically fed into the aircraft and the aircraft acts accordingly. Experts worry that the bandwidth auctioned for 5G service in the US is very close to the bandwidth that the altimeter operates on. The fear is that the reading of the altimeter could be affected if the traffic on that bandwidth increases with the introduction of 5G telecom services.

Any error in the reading of the altimeter could be fatal to the aircraft. In other countries that have started 5G telecom service, this is not a problem because there is less bandwidth auction for 5G than in the US. So there is no danger in the reading of the altimeter due to 5G. Telecom companies AT&T and Verizon in the US say that they have made necessary preparations in this regard. And no flights will be at risk from 5G services. The companies have also agreed not to provide 5G service by creating a buffer zone around the airport. For the time being, the eyes of the world are fixed on the developments in America.

Understand this case

• Aircraft altimeters work at 4200 to 4400 MHz

• 3700 to 3980 MHz auctioned for 5G in the US

• Due to the difference between the maximum bandwidth of 5G and the bandwidth of the altimeter less than 500 MHz, airlines have concern

in India, there is no danger:

The ITU-APT Foundation, which works on spectrum related issues, has said that there is no risk of any side-effects on the airlines from 5G in India. Bharat Bhatia, President of the Foundation in India, said, “India is preparing to auction 3300 to 3650 MHz bandwidth for 5G. This is more than 500 MHz beyond the range of aircraft altimeters. Therefore, 5G in India will not cause any problem to the planes.


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